Tweet Travel + Leisure rankings are out. If you are planning to take a big trip within the next few months, you may want to know which airline, cruise line or airport is ranked the highest. After all, if other users are satisfied with their itinerary, you probably will be too. Affluent Media Group’s Travel […]

Tweet If you hop the globe or are otherwise on the road a significant number of days each month, staying relaxed is important. Too much stress can wear you down, make you sick and compromise your health. Here’s what you can do to stay relaxed while you are on the go. Prioritize Your Health The […]

Tweet Your travel plans take you far away from home and begin with an airline trip and a return home 10 days later. While you are at your destination you will need a way to get around, something you plan to accomplish with a car rental. Renting a car is a sensible way to see […]