Tweet For years, onboard entertainment and modern amenities have been staples of airline travel, offering passengers a chance to distract themselves from long hours in the air. But a growing group of travelers is swapping comfort for simplicity, ditching movies, music, and in-flight Wi-Fi altogether. Enter Raw Dogging, a new and unconventional airline travel trend. […]

Tweet Ask anybody, and they will tell you that flight delays are a bother and complete hassle. Nobody wants to have their flight delayed, and yet this happens more often than we may think. In fact, flight delays are an all-too-common occurrence in all of the world’s airports. But if you have suffered from a […]

Tweet Savvy travelers have everything they need, when they need it. Here are six tips to stay safe and organized while traveling. Pack Smart Before you start putting things into your suitcase, lay them out and plan out exactly what you want to wear, and when, so you don’t over pack. Then, start by putting […]

Tweet Whenever we think of going somewhere, we always prefer flying. Owning a private jet has always been thought as fancy and luxury. However, there are many advantages of owning a private jet. There will be no need for passengers to fly out of busy airports, no need for security checks and baggage claims. Apart […]

Tweet Going abroad can be daunting, and to many, the flight is the scariest part. There are a lot of things that can go wrong before, during, and after an international flight. Many students are flying alone or internationally for the first time for semesters and years abroad. Here is what to expect on your […]

Tweet In past decades, flying on a plane was considered an exciting experience that included complimentary peanuts and free movies to watch during the flight. After the economic downturn, more airlines have decided to forgo the common amenities and increase security measures for a flight that can be less than enjoyable. To avoid feeling uncomfortable […]

Tweet Whether you will be flying for business or a long awaited vacation getaway, there are some things you can do to make the experience more enjoyable. Everyone has heard the horrible stories of airplanes being stuck on the tarmac for hours and hours to facing cramped airline seats and unruly passengers. Fortunately, with a […]

Tweet Traveling by air is more of a hassle than it ever was. TSA recently raised its fees, airlines have consolidated flights and raised their rates, and parking at some airports is pitifully limited as well as expensive. Even so, airline travel is often the only option for faraway trips. You may not be able […]

Tweet No matter how fast the flight, airlines can’t seem to avoid every traveler’s favorite part of flying: the lengthy layover. Fortunately, those hours that you have between connecting flights do not have to be wasted entirely. These are a few ways to get the most out of a long layover. Do Some Sightseeing A […]