Before you go on your next road trip, you’ll want to make sure that your vehicle is safe enough to drive. There may be certain damages or other mechanical problems that you’re unaware of, and not having these issues addressed beforehand can put you and other drivers in danger. Here are four checks that should be made before hitting the road.
Brakes that are old and worn can give out when you least expect it, so it’s important to have them inspected by a reliable mechanic. Groaning and grinding sounds when applying the brakes are telltale signs that they are no longer up to standard, but your brakes might also be inadequate without you realizing. Brakes can often be repaired or replaced without having to invest a lot of time and money.
Oil is the lifeline for your vehicle’s engine. When the oil gets old, it can cause buildups within the engine and other components and bring a quick end to your vehicle’s life. It’s important to have your oil changed at regular intervals, but states that most new vehicles can go for 7,500 miles or more between intervals before an oil change is required. It’s also a good idea to check your vehicle’s oil levels to make sure that there’s enough oil to sustain you.
Windows and Windshield Cracks
Check your windows and windshield for any cracks or dings. Damage in the glass can make it more difficult for you to see as you drive. The glass could also shatter if the damage isn’t repaired. Even small cracks and dings should be addressed promptly so that they don’t grow bigger during your road trip. Smaller damage can often be repaired with a few simple tools. If the glass needs to be replaced because of more extensive damage, a reputable auto shop can probably offer you good advice about windshield replacement.
As tires grow old, their material often becomes thinner and more susceptible to puncturing. The tread on tires can also wear down, which reduces traction and increases the chances of getting into accidents on the road. There could also be a nail or another object stuck in a tire that you’re unaware of, and this may cause the tire to lose air gradually during your road trip and make driving more dangerous. To be on the safe side, it’s recommended that you have your tires inspected before going on a trip.
Staying on top of your vehicle’s maintenance and repairs is paramount to a successful and worry-free road trip. By checking your vehicle and addressing any mechanical concerns in advance, you’ll have a better time on the road.