Going on a trip can be a great experience to see new things, meet new people and experience new adventures. However, some people still look at their trips and they only do the common things that they would typically do at home. Instead, trips, whether they are for vacation or for work, should be seen as a chance to do things that you normally wouldn’t do. If you are looking for some fun things to add to your next trip itinerary, here are some suggestions to consider.

Eat Somewhere Unique

Eating somewhere unique can actually be a quite broad idea, which gives you plenty of options to choose from. If you are a picky eater and want to stick to typical pizza, hamburgers or whatever else you like, then try and find somewhere at your destination that puts a new mix or adds a bit of flair to the food that interests you. However, if you are really feeling adventurous, try eating something that is exotic and native to the place you are eating. This can include fresh fish in cities near oceans, Rocky Mountain Oysters in Colorado, or even really unique foods throughout Southeast Asia. Whatever it is, steer away from the places that you can get anywhere in the world and eat something unique while on your trip.

Get A Distinct Vehicle

If you drive a regular four-door sedan or minivan at home, a trip is the perfect opportunity to get a distinct vehicle. Even if it’s a bit impractical, your transportation on vacation can add a lot of fun to your trip. Airflight Services, who specialize in Toronto airport limo driving, suggest that even getting a chauffeur can add something to your trip that you’ve never experience before. For example, you can rent a tuk-tuk in Southeast Asia, which is a person who will drive you around your entire time while you are there.

Check Out A Historic Monument or Main Attraction

Your trip is a place to see things that the average person may not get a chance to see in their lifetime. And if you plan on only make one trip to the place that you are visiting, consider seeing something that only that place has to offer. Sure, you can hit up the typical amusement parks that will be full of long lines and screaming children, or you can see a historic monument that is full of history and represents the place you are visiting.

Your next trip can be something new and entertaining in a way that you’ve never experienced before. But in order to do that, consider some of the fun things mentioned here to make it more enjoyable.

Savannah Coulsen is a freelance  writer. She lives in Raleigh. Savannah loves to read and write and she hopes to write a novel someday. Savannah also loves learning and is a self-proclaimed health guru.