Places to Visit - Byways

White House
Home of the U.S. President
Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial stands at the west end of the National Mall
News, information and resources on Congress
Jefferson Memorial
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial, modeled after the Pantheon of Rome
Supreme Court
Official page of the United States Supreme Court, featuring court's opinions and orders
Washington Monument
Built between 1848 and 1884 as a tribute to George Washington's military leadership
The Smithsonian Institution is home to 19 museums
Vietnam Memorial
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial serves as a testament to the sacrifice of American military personnel
National Archives
is the repository of the more valuable and rare documents of this Government
World War II Memorial
First national memorial dedicated to all who served during World War II
Frederick Douglas
dedicated to preserving the legacy of the most famous 19th century African American.
Korean War Memorial
"Freedom is not free." American gratitude to those who restored freedom to South Korea