Minutes after you finish your meal the all too familiar rumble in your digestive tract begins. Before you know it you will be reaching for the antacids in a bid to quell your pending gas attack. Not all foods cause gas and not all people are affected by the same foods. Any one of the following 12 foods may be contributors to your gas problems including several that may be a surprise to you.
1. Apples — All fruits, including apples, contain soluble fiber what aids in digestion but can cause gas symptoms too. Sorbitol is another irritant, what is often found in dried fruit.
2. Artichokes — Useful for stimulating bile that flows from the liver, artichokes may reduce heartburn and take the edge off a hangover. Being that artichoke is a plant it may cause gas for some people. Artichokes are low in fat and calories, and are often consumed in great quantities by people trying to lose weight.
3. Beans — You may have heard of the product Beano, what contains a natural food enzyme that stops gas before it starts. Its chief target are beans or legumes what contain a particular sugar, oligosaccharide, that your body cannot handle without causing gas.
4. Broccoli — Like cauliflower, brussels sprouts, onions and mushrooms, broccoli is loaded with carbohydrates that can cause gas. Broccoli is considered one of the world’s most beneficial foods as it provides ample amounts of Vitamins D, A and K. It has anti-inflammatory benefits as well. For some people the benefits are not enough to overcome the persistent flatulence.
5. Cabbage — We love cabbage with our meals including with our corned beef or even as a helping on top of our hot dogs. Just like broccoli, cabbage is hard to digest. Cabbage has several benefits as it can boost heart health. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals.
6. Corn — Every summer, millions of Americans consume corn on the cob and have been doing so since “maize” was introduced to European diets by Native Americans. Rich in nutrients, its high fiber content also causes flatulence. Now produced the world over, corn has also brought misery to many who simply cannot enjoy it without farting.
7. Milk — We live on dairy products! Milk, butter, yogurt and cheese. Unfortunately, many people cannot tolerate an important enzyme, lactase, a natural sugar. The problem starts in the small intestine where sufficient lactase should be produced. For those unable to consume milk they must find other food sources to replace their now missing calcium.
8. Pasta —Most of us love pasta. In fact, you may have consumed pasta several days each week since you were small, such is the importance of this grain. And the grain that may cause the most problems could be of the high-fiber kind. Then again, it might be the sauce you are using especially if it contains onions or peppers.
9. Pears —Like apples, pears can cause gas due to ample amounts of soluble fiber. If you cannot tolerate pears there are other fruits that may be more tolerable for you including nectarines, papayas, kiwi, peaches and cherries. You may be able to reduce your gas output by cutting back on your portion size, so cut that pear in half and save the rest until the next day.
10. Potatoes —We love our potatoes, what come to us mashed, baked, roasted and fried. French fried, that is. Potatoes are a starch and starches can produce gas in the colon. If you really must have potatoes, then eat them less often and your gut may be able to handle it better.
11. Prunes — Prunes, like raisins, are a dried fruit. Dried fruits contain sorbitol, an ingredient that is fraught with gaseous possibilities. Prunes are dried plums and are rich in vitamin K and potassium.
12. Whole Wheat — Bread is delicious and few of us can imagine not consuming it. Better than white bread is whole wheat bread as it is packed with fiber. You need not cut out whole wheat bread, but you should limit its consumption. Whole wheat contains healthy antioxidants and it may also lower your LDL cholesterol level.
Gas Attack
Before you reach for the Tums or the Pepto Bismal, consider what it is that you are eating and change your diet accordingly. If the problem persists, see your doctor as there may be an underlying health problem that should be addressed.
See Also — Camping: How to Keep Food Fresh